Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Early Release Today at 12:45!!!

Good luck working on your Cornfield Character!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Open House tonight from 6-7:30. I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible!

Monday, September 12, 2016

We started using IXl in math today...Please check your child's blue folder for IXL explanation!!!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Please check in your child's backpack today for their Learning Wheel Notebook! Have a great weekend!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

We reached our first marble goal!!!
Our class earns marbles for great behavior and effort. The students have been doing a wonderful job and already reached their first goal of 40 marbles.
To celebrate reaching their goal, the class voted on a reward. The majority vote went to wearing pajamas and bringing in a small stuffed animal. We will celebrate on Friday 9/9. Students may wear school appropriate pajamas if they want. No Slippers please! They can also bring a small stuffed animal to school for snack and recess time.

Thanks and Congratulations to the class!!!

Mrs. Chisholm :)

Thursday, September 1, 2016

3 Chisholm Updates

We’ve been having a ton of fun getting to know each other! I feel so lucky to have such a wonderful class. We had a successful week with starting to learn classroom routines and school expectations.
Thank you all for the school supplies. Usually these supplies last us a very long time. I will let you know if we need more of anything at any point in the year. Thanks again for your kindness and generosity.

Just a few reminders…..
  • No School Friday 9/2 or Monday 9/5
  • We do have 2 snacks offered throughout the day so please pack your child with 2 snacks if they wish to eat at both opportunities.
  • Learning Wheels were sent home today and should be returned on Tuesday. Please read the letter inside to find out more about this cool writing project.

I will have many more details coming your way at our Open House on Thursday 9/15.
Enjoy the long weekend!!!

Mrs. Chisholm

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Here's to another great day at LSS! We had a wonderful day getting to know our classmates yesterday. We will continue to build our classroom community today and everyday at LSS! :)

Friday, August 26, 2016

Welcome to Third Grade! August 2016

Dear Families,        
I hope everyone had a great summer full of adventures, new experiences and time with family and friends. My name is Ashley Chisholm, and I am excited to be your third grade teacher. Lincoln Street School is a wonderful place to be and I am glad you will be here with me. This year we will be learning about so many different topics including Immigration, The Solar System, Biomes, Maps and Globes, Black Americans, and Native Americans. We will also focus on learning our multiplication and division facts. I’m looking forward to working with you and enjoying our third grade year together!
Below I have a list of supplies that will help make your third grade year successful as well as a list of important contact information. You are welcome to bring in the supplies at our “Meet the Teacher” event before school starts. Please contact me with any questions. I have also listed our specials for the year on the back of this letter.  
Mrs. Chisholm    
Mrs. Chisholm’s Contact Information:
Phone Number: 775-8873

Suggested Supplies:
12- #2 pencils (Ticonderoga is preferred)
1- box of cap erasers
2- colored pens
1- box of markers, crayons or colored pencils
4- glue sticks
1- pair of scissors
2- Highlighters
2- Black Sharpies
1- whiteboard eraser
4- whiteboard markers various colors
1- Spiral Bound Notebook
2- 2 pocket folders
1- supply box to keep in your desk
2- containers of disinfecting wipes
2- boxes of tissues
1- container of hand sanitizer
  • Some of these supplies will be collected and used for classroom community use, and some of the supplies will be kept in your student’s desk for daily use.
Thank you!


Library 1:20-2:05
Music 1:20-2:05
Physical Education 12:40-1:15
Bring your sneakers!
Art 10:15-11:00
Physical Education 8:40-9:15

Bring your sneakers!

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

End of Year Activities:

6/14- Field day
Our class color is RED!!

6/15- "Spaced Out" Play @ 9AM
We hope you can come watch our performance!!

6/17- Last Day of School for Students

Thank you for an awesome 2015-16 School Year. I feel so lucky to have had this year with your children. They are an AMAZING group of students. :)

Friday, May 27, 2016

Happy Friday! I hope everyone enjoys their Memorial Day weekend!
Important events coming up...

No School- Monday 5/30

Lego Land Field Trip Wednesday 6/1

Wax Museum Friday 6/3 from 1-1:45

Field Day 6/14

"Spaced Out" play Wednesday 6/15

Last day of school- Friday 6/17

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

April Conferences....Please sign up on Signup Genius. I have emailed you all the information. I am looking forward to chatting with you about your student!
Grades Close April 1.
Report Cards will be sent out on April 8.

Mr. Gary taught us all about the history of the accordion!!! We even played some accordions! 

Friday, March 25, 2016

Today is our last day of testing!!! Our students have done an amazing job!
 Back to a normal schedule and regular homework assignments next week. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Happy Rainy Tuesday!

Smarter Balanced Testing started today and our students did a fabulous job! They were focused and tried their best. Getting a good night's sleep and eating a healthy breakfast can help as well. We will continue testing for the next two weeks. Great job!!!

Reminder: No School this Friday 3/18 because of teacher workshops.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Button Dolls Open Response Math Problem
Wow! We have some creative minds in 3 Chisholm!

Remember to wash your hands before you eat......Check out our experiment!

Fruit and Vegetable Challenge! How many have you eaten today?

Immigration was a success! Thank you all for helping our immigrants make it to Ellis Island!

Music T-Shirt money is due tomorrow! Please sen in your order form with $6.00! Thank you!

Monday, February 15, 2016

Happy Monday!

This is our last week before vacation. The students have been working hard the past few weeks. We finished our Immigration unit and have moved on to studying nutrition.
Please remember to study your multiplication facts each night. It will be very helpful for your student during our math lessons.
Please keep reading at home! Please don't hesitate to ask me for help in choosing books.

Fruit and Vegetable Challenge! We are tracking our fruit and vegetable intake for each school day. Please come to school with some healthy options.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Homework for the week 1/4/16-1/8/16

Spelling packets due Friday.
Read 15 minutes each night.
Practice math facts.
EDM Homelinks 4.6, 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9.

Happy New Year! Wow! I can't believe it's 2016!

January Reminders:

No School 1/18/16 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr.
Grades Close 1/22/16
Report Cards Distributed 1/29/16

The students earned a reward certificate for coming back to school ready to learn and giving their best effort! I am so proud of them!